5 Advantages of Getting Legal Consultation

by Frank

A legal consultation refers to the process of seeking the legal implications of your case from an attorney. It occurs outside of the courtroom, and it is not legal representation. While many attorneys provide consultation services, the process may not necessarily lead to the formation of client-lawyer relationships.

Additionally, lawyers have no legal obligation to provide consultations. As a result, some lawyers provide consultation services at a fee. You need to be aware of any fees involved in advance. Typically, legal consultations are given by lawyers. Many attorneys provide consultation services before accepting cases.

During the consultation meeting, the lawyer will assess the facts of your case and give advice on the most appropriate actions to take, including the likely outcomes. The lawyer will also give an estimate of the likely cost of your case. At this moment, it is you to decide whether to establish the lawyer-client relationship with the attorney. Consultations should be confidential even though the process may not result in any attorney-client relationship.

You need to be open and honest to the lawyer during the meeting to enable him to give a valuable and informed advice that will help you in your case. If the lawyer determines that the costs of obtaining the legal assistance will outweigh the benefits, he will advise you to consider other options, including self-representation. On the other hand, if the benefits will outweigh the costs, the lawyer will advise you to obtain legal assistance and proceed with the case.

Although some matters may only require self-representation, more serious legal issues need legal assistance. When consulting, it is advisable to look for a well-trained and experienced lawyer with expertise that relate to your case. Many lawyers have expertise in specific areas, including business, real estate, finance, litigation, and human rights.

The benefits of legal consultations include:

1. Guidance

During the consultation, the lawyer looks at the facts of your case and guides you on how go about the case. The lawyer’s guidance is important because it ensures that you pursue your legal action within the required time frame. If you choose to continue with the case, the lawyer will guide you on how to collect evidence that will help you put up a strong case against the opposing party. He will guide you on how to file the case and complete any necessary paperwork. You need to strictly follow all the instructions as given by the lawyer to avoid making mistakes that may negatively impact the outcome of your case.

Guidance also ensures compliance. The court may dismiss your case if you fail to comply with certain requirements of the law, including serving the opposing party with the necessary documents in time and filing the case within the specified time frame. During the consultation, the lawyer will advise you on all the necessary things you must do to ensure that your case meets all the requirements. You also need guidance when planning your legal strategy and when negotiating with the lawyer of the opposing party.

2. Evaluation

During the consultation, the attorney objectively assesses your case to determine whether it should proceed to the court of law. He evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence you intend to use in your case and offers an opinion whether the case meets the threshold set by the court. Additionally, the lawyer will help you know the total cost of your case, including legal fees and any fines. If after the evaluation, the lawyer realizes that the costs will outweigh the benefits in case the matter proceeds to court, he will advise you to drop the case or seek an out-of-court settlement. Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms may include mediation, arbitration, negotiation, and conciliation.

3. Comfort

Typically, legal issues cause worry, anxiety, and other forms of discomfort because many people fear the consequences of legal processes. As a result, you need somebody who will give you hope that things will work to your advantage; hence, the need for consultation. Just the way a medical doctor restores your hope when you are sick, the consultation gives the attorney an opportunity to comfort you by giving you various options to explore in resolving your matter even when all odds seem to be against you. In many cases, the attorney will offer to proceed with your case and represent you in court.

4. Direction

When faced with a dispute, it may be difficult to know the most appropriate course of action to take, especially, if you do not have a legal advisor. Your consultation gives the attorney an opportunity to examine and assess your case to determine the most appropriate action that you should take to resolve the matter. After assessing the nature, strengths, weaknesses, and other aspects of your case, he will give a clear direction you need to follow to address the matter. Choices may include filing the case in the court of law or reaching out to the opposing party for an out-of-court settlement.

5. Laying Out a Plan

To increase the chances of winning your court battle, you need to execute your legal action in a systematic manner without skipping a single step. Each step should also be timely. Laying out a plan helps you achieve this. Remember, every step is important; hence, omitting a single step may tilt the outcome of the case to the advantage of your opponent. Consulting an attorney gives you an opportunity to come up with a clear plan to follow when resolving your dispute. The lawyer will help you to create a plan that will walk you through all the steps involved in your case, including hiring an attorney, collecting evidence, filing the case, serving the opposing party with necessary documents, hearing, and determination. Additionally, since the attorney will give you an estimate of how much the case will cost, you will be able to plan for the expenses in advance. If you need legal assistance you can also find additional legal aid here and you can search for a lawyer here.